I had a conversation with a male friend who enlightened me. He has never had a shortage of female company and he revealed some of his secrets. One of the secrets is reading WOMEN'S MAGAZINES. Yep, that's right, women's magazines: REDBOOK, COSMOPOLITAN, FITNESS, SELF, GLAMOUR, ELLE, ALLURE, THE OPRAH MAGAZINE, etc.
I guess you're wondering what you could learn from a woman's magazine, right? Take a look at the list below of the various topics:
- Beauty
- Health and Fitness
- Fashion
- Life
- Love
- Feelings
- Men
- Guys and SEX
- Gossip
- Self image
- Having a good time
And what about when you first meet a girl? What do you really know about her after the first meeting? Superficial things? What she looks like? Or what she likes? What do you tell your friends? "Hey, I met this really hot chick?" Or, "I met this great girl?"
Finally, when you meet a girl, what are her interests? Does she like Dancing? Competing? Wine tasting? Hiking? Boating? How will you connect with her?
FYI, hopefully you're not taking her to a movie (where there will be no conversation)! Hopefully, not to a quiet intimate dinner with red roses, either. Take her to lunch, coffee, or hiking! Then you can actually talk to her!
Ms. Erin
Great Topic Erin! Given my current situation I will be drinking cosmo's and reading Cosmo to find out more.