Thursday, July 21, 2011

To all Interns: How to Develop Rapport With Clients


We need to start working on ways to develop rapport with clients. This is essential in this line of work.

When people come to counseling, they are either in some level of crisis and/or emotionally vulnerable. Even if they have been to counseling in the past, when they meet with you, there is a certain level of apprehension. They want for you to reassure them. They want to talk to a "real" person.

Do what is necessary to make the client feel comfortable. Use self-disclosure activities during the session, and offer to respond to some of the self-disclosure questions yourself. The clients are not too concerned about the academics behind counseling. They just want help during the crisis period. It will be on your shoulders to find ways to develop rapport.

Here are some pointers that I have found useful over the years:

1). Dress comfortably, not like a parole officer. Casual dress tends to help the client see you as a person (less intimidating).

2). Smile. Smile. Smile!

3). Do not get too caught up in the theoretical and counseling approaches. You need to be where the client is at the time of each visit. That shows empathy and it shows that you are capable of flexibility.

4). Be willing to share things about YOU when appropriate. The client will trust you more, and you will be modeling the self-disclosure behavior.

5). Use a lot of humor (as much as you can, but of course use humor when appropriate).

6). You CAN touch clients. There are times when gently touching a child's head is comforting. There are times when a child may hug you. Adults may also initiate touch. Use good judgment and make sure that whatever you do, it is ethical and in the best interest of the client. Think about the cultural issues with regards to touch.

7). Help the client to see you as a human being, but balance this with being an expert in your field. Be yourself. Be willing to change your approach to make the client more comfortable and receptive.

I hope this has been helpful. I have informed my clients that you will on occassion be in sessions with me to observe. 
Ms. Erin

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