Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Introspections of a Psychotherapist

My self-reflection "stuff" for today.

What is one social activity I've always wanted to try and haven't? I've always wanted to sing in a night club and I've always wanted to be a good public speaker. The night club thing more than anything.

Who do I relate to better, men or women? Why do I think that is? I relate socially to men better because we think alike. Men tend to be less emotional, more analytical and use more logic and reasoning. I do also. I enjoy having male friends. It's more comfortable to me. I have female friends too, but with women, I have to worry about sensitivity and hurting feelings.  With guys I can relax, we can all say what we want and no one gets any feelings hurt.

What usually gets me in trouble in social situations? Not talking at all, or being too blunt. I many times say exactly what's on my mind when someone does something that could have used a little more gray matter.

What does being tactful mean? Is it important to me? Why or why not?  Tactfulness is showing some sensitivity and restraint in what is being said. Sometimes I think it's important. Most of the time it is. However, there are times when the last thing a person needs is tact, and I have no problem seeing to it that they don't get any.  

Where is a place that I would never go to meet new people?  I've met people at a lot of places and I'd have to say that my least favorite place two places are clubs and church. In both of those arenas, people have agendas and you're not seeing who they really are (most of the time, from my experience). I like meeting people in more natural environments (groups) when they're not putting on a show for the purpose of meeting an agenda.

What is a good way to start and end a conversation?  That depends on the situation. I usually like to talk about something very light-hearted, or find a common interest. To end the conversation, I usually make it clear with body language that I'm done talking. I guess I could be more sensitive. I'm working on it. With all the texting, emailing, etc. I guess I don't end conversations well then either.  I just stop texting or emailing when I think the conversation has concluded. Short---to the point.  I'm better with conversation when I'm in a counseling session. I suppose that because I talk for a living, I don't want to spend a lot of time doing it outside of work.

Wow! Those were some questions that I wasn't sure I wanted to answer.  Y'all are going to figure me out!  Ms. Erin

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