Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Relationships (Pt III) Birth Order

So, which birth orders make the best connections? According to the literature, getting together with someone of the same birth order is NOT a good idea. You should hook-up with someone as opposite of your birth order as possible.

We already know that firstborns tend to be the perfectionists. They're typically serious, logical, leaders, well-organized, and sometimes critical. Putting 2 firstborns together would likely cause a power struggle.

Putting a firstborn with a middle born generally creates issues because the middle born likes to negotiate, mediate, amd compromise. They may not express true feelings. combining 2 middle borns creates havoc also; they don't communicate well because no one wants to confront the other. Too much desire to negotiate and compromise. Two last borns---also a terrible match. The babies of the family tend to be manipulative, attention-seeking, and blaming.

So, the best matches are actually a firstborn and the baby of the family. In these cases, the firstborn plays a more mentoring role for the younger one. The baby helps the firstborn to lighten up!

The middle and baby are good matches also. There will likely be good communication and sharing of feelings.

And remember, all of this is just based on statistics; there are definitely exceptions to the 'rule'.

Ms. Erin


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