Tuesday, March 15, 2011


What are the symtoms of Depression? According to the DSM-IV, 5 or more the following must be present (during the same 2-week period) to classify as a Major Depressive Episode:

  • depressed mood almost all the time; feeling sad, empty; crying spells
  • children and teens may express irritability
  • diminished interest in hobbies and usual activities
  • significant weight changes (gain or loss) at least 5% of body weight; appetite changes (increased or decreased)
  • insomnia or hypersomnia
  • psychomotor agitation or retardation (noticed by others)
  • fatigue/loss of energy
  • feelings of worthlessness, and inappropriate guilt
  • diminished ability to concentrate or make decisions (also can be noticed by others)
  • any recurrent thoughts of death; suicidal ideation may or may not be accompanied by a plan or attempt
  • NOTE: the symptoms are not part of a Mixed Episode; the symptoms cause significant distress or impairment in daily functions; the symptoms cannot be caused by drug abuse or a medical condition; the symptoms are not due to grief/loss
What are the interventions?

• Develop and practice healthy stress management skills
• Develop and practice healthy problem-solving and communication skills
(Including how to effectively negotiate and compromise)
• Develop and practice healthy ways to monitor and control your impulses
• Identify the connection between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors
• Identify and replace cognitive distortions/thinking errors and negative self-talk
• Develop and practice a routine of physical exercise, activity, and social involvement• Rule out medical disorders
• Identify, verbalize, and address any unresolved grief or loss issues
• Acknowledge the presence of any self-harm thoughts or suicidal thoughts and develop a
personal safety plan to avoid acting on them
• Participate in a psychiatric evaluation and take all prescribed medications as instructed
• Rule out other psychiatric disorders
• Rule out depression-inducing medications
• Rule out substance abuse, including alcohol

Take a look at some of the material on Depression; I always have clients reading and/or doing assignments as part of the treatment plan.

Ms. Erin

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