Thursday, March 10, 2011

More Conversation Pieces

How proficient are you at the Art of Conversation? How do you incorporate eye contact, humor, sensitivity, and listening into the conversation? Well, now's your opportunity to challenge your proficiency!

Do I find it difficult to express and opinion that others may not share? If so, give an example.  No, not usually. I don't particularly like talking about politics because no two people can ever seem to agree; however, I have no problem expressing my opinion in the right venue. 

Do I tend to postpone or avoid discussing  sensitive subjects? Give examples.  That depends on the situation. If there is some sense of urgency, the discussion takes place.  

Do I think I manage to state my ideas clearly? What makes me feel that way?
I think that I do. I pay attention to a person's body language and facial expressions; that will many times let me know if I'm not clear. I also ask questions.

True or False? "I like to talk about what I'm feeling." Why or why not?  I do not like to talk about my own feelings (just being honest)! I prefer to talk about what I'm thinking.

Do I ever daydream in the middle of a conversation or group discussion? What happens? What can I do to prevent it?  Absolutely! If someone is being redundant or taking too long to get to the point, I'll zone out. I have no idea what to do to prevent zoning out!

When someone looks at their watch or a clock during a conversation, what does that tell me?  Time's up!!

Am I able to resolve serious issues without losing control of my emotions? Give an example of a time when I lost control.  Most of the time, yes. The times when I get upset the most are probably when dealing with health care customer service people. I don't cuss but I make it clear that I'm irritated. Then I remember that I might be making the person on the other end of the phone have a terrible day.

Open-ended questions are those that need a response of several words. When is it helpful to use them?  I like open-ended questions when I'm wanting information. For example, I ask 'what' questions, or 'how' questions (depending on the maturity level of the person). I avoid 'why' questions because those cause a person to become defensive, or to shut down completely.I

A self-disclosing statement means that a person reveals somethings about him/herself.  Give examples of appropriate self-disclosure.  Whatever I say about myself on this blog is appropriate self-disclosure.

Ms. Erin


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